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Showing posts from November, 2006
Random Thoughts: Washington Scholarship Fund I just got back from a session helping parents apply for the DC voucher program, known as the Opportunity Scholarship Program. We were at a housing project in a dangerous part of D.C. I have a lot to say about it, but instead, I'll just post something I wrote early last year. Yesterday was an extremely stressful day for me: I volunteered for the Washington Scholarship Fund's final recruitment session this school year for the publicly funded scholarship program. As I tell the folks at the organization whenever they need volunteers: Don't count on me being there, but don't be surprised when I show up. It is always fun, educational and humbling to volunteer for the organization. For three years now, I've been on the organization's Executive Network (previously known as the Young Executive Board). I've previously gone on college tours with students, participated in fund-raisers, gone on Capitol Hill with parents a